| Editor |
Jingjing Z. Edmondson |
Zhejiang University |
Professor in the Department of Journalism and Communications. Vice Dean of the Institute of Communication Studies, and Director of the Intercultural Communication Center within the Institute |
email: jjze@zju.edu.cn |
Dr. Edmondson is a Chinese-American scholar, who received traditional Chinese cultural training at an early age. She came to the United States in the 1980s when she was a Ph.D. candidate in the Chinese Department of Fudan University in Shanghai. She had doctoral training in both Chinese and American universities. She has held various appointments as assistant professor, research associate, researcher, visiting scholar, associate professor, and professor in Northwest Normal University, Fudan University, Michigan State University, University of Michigan, Beijing Normal University, the Academy of Social Sciences of China, and Zhejiang University.
Dr. Edmondson is fluent in both Chinese and English, is familiar with both Chinese traditional and Western research methods, and has a wide knowledge of Chinese and Western culture, including language, literature, history, philosophy, art, and music. She has extensive work experience, including teaching, in both China and America. The main courses she has taught include Intercultural Communication, Comparative Literary Theory, Comparative World Cultures, Comparative Religions, Literature and Art, Humanities in World Perspective, History of Chinese Classical Literature, Advanced Chinese Language, Understanding and Appreciation of Chinese Poetry, Chinese Literary Criticism and Aesthetics, and Theoretical and Methodological Issues in the Study of Chinese Literature and Literary Theory.
She is the author of several books and numerous articles in the fields of literature, comparative culture and intercultural communication. She has also translated some relevant English academic works into Chinese. Her papers have appeared in The Journal of Intercultural Communication, Journal of Beijing Broadcasting Institute, Life Science, Culture and Communication, Study of Ethnic Literature of The Academy of Social Sciences of China, China Media Report, Literary Heritage, Social Science Front, Journal of Chinese Music, Sinology, Journal of Zhejiang University, Journal of Chinese Literary Composition in Rhyme, Language and Literature Teaching and Research, Literature and Art, Monthly Journal of Academic Studies, etc.
She has presented papers at many international conferences. Currently she focuses particularly on the study of intercultural communication. She has traveled widely in the world to collect information and research material.
Dr. Edmondson has a rich experience in facilitating communication and exchange programs between universities in different countries. She has broad academic and scholarly contacts in China, and experience in fostering scholarly relationships between American and Chinese academic communities.
Dr. Edmondson is the founder of the American Chinese Media Research Association, and is the Associate CEO of Edmondson Intercultural Enterprises. |
| Co-Editor |
Guo-Ming Chen |
University of Rhode Island |
Professor of Communication at the University of Rhode Island, USA. The founding president of the Association for Chinese Communication Studies. |
email: gmchen@uri.edu |
His primary research interests include intercultural/organizational/global communication and Chinese communication behaviors. Chen has presented over 75 conference papers, produced numerous book chapters and essays, and published over 40 referred articles in different professional journals. Chen is the author and co-author for more than ten books, including Foundations of Intercultural Communication, Communication and Global Society, Chinese Conflict Management and Resolution, A Concise English-Chinese Dictionary of Communication Studies, Introduction to Intercultural Communication (in Chinese), Theories and Principles of Chinese Communication (in Chinese), and Introduction to Human Communication (in Chinese). He is the editor of four special issues of Intercultural Communication Studies on the Chinese perspective of conflict management and resolution, and Asian perspective of culture and communication. Chen also served as the co-editor of International and Intercultural Communication Annual, 2003-2005. |
| Associate Editors |
Peiren Shao (Chinese)
Zhejiang University |
Professor in the Journalism and Communication Department. Dean of the Institute of Communication Study. Chief Editor of China Media Report |
email: speiren@vip.sina.com |
Professor Shao is Superintendent of the Communication Graduate School of Zhejiang University, doctoral tutor, Commissioner of the Teaching Supervising Committee for Journalism and Communication in the Education Department of China, and Chairman of the Communication Academy of Zhejiang Province. He is the supervising expert on the subjects of journalism and communication on the Degree Committee of the State Department and National China Scholarship Council.
Professor Shao has published about 120 disquisitions, and the 14 main communication works are: Communication (published by Higher Education Press in 2000), Media Strategic Management (published by Fudan University Press in 2003), Media Management (published by Higher Education Press in 2002), Media Operation and Management (published by Zhejiang University Press in 1998), Guiding of Communication (published by Zhejiang University Press in 1997), Knowledge Economy and Mass Media (published by Zhejiang University Press in 1999), Journalism and Communication (published by Jiangsu People Press, 1995), Communication Sociology (published by Nanjing University Press in 1994), Theory and Application of Communication (published by Lanzhou University Press in 1988), Economic Communication (published by Jiangsu People Press in 1990), Political Communication (published by Jiangsu People Press in 1991), Artistic Communication (published by Nanjing University Press in 1992),Education Communication (published by Nanjing University Press in 1992), Operation and Management of Movie Industry (published by Zhejiang University Press in 2005), and General Discussion on Mass Media ( published by Zhejiang University Press in 2005). Professor Shao also participated in the writing and editing of eight works, such as Public Opinion Communication and Conspectus of Modern Propagandism.
Several works have received awards beyond the provincial level. Professor Shao has received the title of Science and Technology Intelligence of Middle-aged Scholars, with outstanding contribution in Zhejiang Province. |
邵培仁 (English)
浙江大学 |
浙江大学人文学院副院长、浙江大学传播研究所所长 |
email: speiren@vip.sina.com |
邵培仁先后发表论文100余篇,先后出版的传播学著作主要有:全国新闻传播学研究生教材《媒介战略管理》(复旦大学出版社,2003),“面向21世纪课程教材”《媒介管理学》(高等教育出版社,2002年),“面向21世纪课程教材”《传播学》(高等教育出版社,2000年),《知识经济与大众传媒》(浙江大学出版社,1999年),《媒介经营管理学》(浙江大学出版社,1998年),《传播学导论》(浙江大学出版社,1997年),《新闻传播学》(江苏人民出版社,1995年),《传播社会学》(南京大学出版社,1994年),《传播学原理与应用》(兰州大学出版社,1988年),《经济传播学》(江苏人民出版社,1990年),《政治传播学》(江苏人民出版社,1991年),《艺术传播学》(南京大学出版社,1992年),《教育传播学》(南京大学出版社,1992年)。参与编写《舆论传播学》、《现代宣传学概论》等8部著作。其中有多部著作获得省级以上奖励,如《传播学原理与应用》(兰州大学出版社,1988年)于1992年获甘肃省人民政府优秀教材二等奖;《传播学导论》(浙江大学出版社,1997年)于2002年获浙江省人民政府优秀教材一等奖。 |
Jing Fei |
Intercultural Communication, International Communication, ICTs and Cultural Studies |
Prof. Ph.D |
email: fjiangmedia@yahoo.com |
Born in 1971, Prof. JIANG Fei engaged in Communication theory, Intercultural/Cross-cultural Communication and New Media Studies. He is the Director of the Department of Communication, the Institute of Journalism & Communication, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing, China; Director of the Center for Global Media & Communication Studies (CGMC, http://www.cassgmrc.com), Beijing, China; Secretary-in-General of Communication Association of China (CAC); Associate Editor for Journal of CHINA MEDIA REPORT OVERSEAS (in Chinese).
He has published two books, 15 book chapters, and over 50 academic papers within the field of media and communication studies. His book Intercultural Communication Studies in the Post-colonial Context (2005, Beijing: Renmin University Press) was awarded China National WU Yu-zhang Prize in 2007 and China National HU Sheng Prize in 2009. His latest publication is Communication and Culture (2011, Beijing: Communication University Press).
He has conducted several research projects sponsored by Chinese National Social Sciences Foundation, and now he is the chief expert of the Innovation Project “Intercultural Communication in the Context of Globalization” sponsored by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
He teaches and works as Master degree supervisor at several universities in mainland of China and has also lectured at several universities overseas; he was visiting scholar to Stockholm University (Sweden), Toronto University (Canada), University of British Columbia (Canada), University of Macquarie (Australia) and the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania (USA). |
Shuang Liu |
The University of Queensland |
Senior Lecturer, School of Journalism and Communication, Joyce Ackroyd Building, St Lucia campus |
email: s.liu1@uq.edu.au |
Dr. Shuang Liu graduated from School of Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University Dec.1999. Now she is Senior Lecturer of Communication and Deputy Head of School, School ofJournalism and Communication, University of Queensland.
She has a combined 28 years’ international experience of teaching in Australia, USA, Hong Kongand China at both postgraduate and undergraduate levels. Major courses taught are: Interculturalcommunication, Research methods, Business communication across borders, and Professionalcommunication.
Since the award of her PhD in 1999, she has published 7 books (1 in press), 8 book chapters (2 inpress), and 27 peer-reviewed journal articles on topics relating to intercultural communication,immigration, identity negotiation and adaptation. |
| Editorial Board (in alphabetical order) |
Qing Cao |
Liverpool John Moores University, UK |
Senior Lecturer and Programme Leader in Chinese Studies Dr. Cao is a council member of the British Association for Chinese Studies and a committee member of the (UK) Northwest Chinese Council |
email: q.cao@livjm.ac.uk |
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Before joining LJMU in 2001, Dr. Cao taught in the Department of East Asia, University of London. His main research areas cover British/Western media representation of China and cultural and political discourse of the Chinese mass media. His research has been published in major international journals and with RoutledgeCurzon and Palgrave. Currently he is working on a project the role of the media in mediating socio-cultural and political changes in contemporary China, supported by a British Academy research grant |
Baoguo Cui (Chinese)
Tsinghua University |
Professor in the Communication Department |
email: bgcui@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn |
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Professor Cui has his Ph.D. from Northeast University of Japan. He originally graduated from the Chinese Department of Nanjing Normal University. He returned from Japan to China in 1997. He was a Vice Dean of the Research Institute, and Vice Dean of the News and Communication College in Nanjing Normal University. He joined the faculty of Tsinghua University in 2000. He has published several books and more than thirty papers. |
崔保国 (English)
清华大学传播系 |
职称:博士/教授, 研究方向:传播学理论、媒介经营与管理、社会信息学 |
email: bgcui@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn |
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联系地址:bgcui@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn |
Junfei Du (Chinese)
Nanjing University |
Professor and Dean in the School of Journalism and Communication, Director of the Computer-Mediated Communication Research Center |
email: dujunfei@sina.com |
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Professor Du has been contributing pivotal efforts to the establishment of the Communication Department by working as Dean since May 10,2003. And he has worked concurrently as Director of the Computer-Mediated Communication Research Center of NJU, established on December 3, 2003.
Professor Du Junfei has won many closed scholarships, national grants, and other honors, including "National Humanities & Social Sciences Foundation, P. R. China (2001; 2002;2005)", "First Prize Academic Excellence in Philosophy and Social Science of Nanjing University ( 2002 )", etc.
His publications include: A Survey On Chinese Middle Class, 2004 (to be published), as the sub editorManagement on Chinese Internet Press Industry, 2004, as the editor in chiefAn Introduction to Internet Communication, 2003, as the editor in chiefPervasive Communication, 2002, monographIn-Depth Reporting Theory, 2002, monographInternet Journalism, 2001, monograph |
杜骏飞 (English)
南京大学 |
1965年10月生,江苏淮安人。南京大学新闻传播学院教授,传播学系主任,南京大学网络传播研究中心(CMCRC)主任,传播学专业硕士生导师,中国传播学会(CAC)会员,兼任多家传媒机构管理咨询顾问 |
email: dujunfei@sina.com |
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担任课程 1、本科生课程: 《深度报道原理》;《研究方法与论文写作》。2、研究生课程: 《传播研究方法》;《网络传播概论》;《采访学研究》。
学术著作 1、《网络公告:理论与实务》(主编之一),福建人民出版社,2005年;2、《中国网络新闻事业管理》(主编),中国人民大学出版社,2004年;3、《网络传播概论》(主编),福建人民出版社,2003年。4、《弥漫的传播》,中国社会科学出版社,2002年;5、《深度报道原理》(与胡翼青合著),新华出版社,2001年;6、《网络新闻学》,中国广播电视出版社,2001年;7、《深度报道写作》,中国广播电视出版社,2000年;8、《当代新闻文体写作》(副主编),陕西师范大学出版社,1998年;9、《艺术传播学》(参与著作),南京大学出版社,1992年。
主编丛书 1、《指南针》传媒实务丛书(主编);2、《思想的境界》学术文库(主编之一);3、《新闻传播学前沿》丛书(副主编)。
主要承担课题 1、《网络社会的传播控制》,国家社会科学重大项目,首席专家,主持,2005。2、《中国网络广告业现状与发展对策》,国家教育部社科基金项目,主持,2002。3、《网络新闻宣传与管理研究》,省社科重点课题,主持,2001;
获奖 1、南京大学优秀教学成果二等奖,2003。2、江苏省高校社会科学优秀成果二等奖,2002;3、南京大学哲学社会科学优秀成果一等奖,2002;4、江苏省人文社会科学优秀成果二等奖,1999;5、南京大学优秀教学成果三等奖,1996;
主要研究方向 1、网络传播学;2、中产阶级与传媒;3、传播学研究方法;4、新闻深度报道
联系方法 电话:025-83686047;传真:025-83686049;电子邮件:dujunfei @ sina.com;南京大学网络传播研究中心网址:http://www.cmcrc.com.cn |
Ge Gao |
San Jose State University, California |
Professor of Communication Studies |
email: ggao@email.sjsu.edu |
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Professor Gao's research interests include Chinese communication processes, cross-cultural interpersonal relationship development, and intercultural communication. Her publications have appeared in the International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Communication Quarterly, and Communication Research Reports, among others. Her more recent work on Chinese communication includes Communicating Effectively with the Chinese (with Stella Ting-Toomey; Sage, 1998). |
Wenxiang Gong (Chinese)
Peking University |
Professor and Chair of the International Communication Department of the International Relationship College, Peking University.; Vice Dean of the News and Communication College,Peking University. |
email: wxgong@pku.edu.cn |
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Professor Gong received both his bachelor's and master's degrees from the Western Language Department of Peking University, in 1967 and 1981, with majors in English. He has presented papers at many international meetings, and has been a Visiting Scholar in various international universities, including the University of California at Berkeley, the University of California at Santa Barbara, and Stanford University.
He has many academic achievements, has published several books and many papers, and has translated several books and papers. |
龚文庠 (English)
北京大学 |
教授, 北京大学传播学系 |
email: wxgong@pku.edu.cn |
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简历: 1967年 文学学士,北京大学西语系,英语专业1981年 文学硕士,北京大学西语系,英语专业1981-84 助教,北京大学国际政治系1984-87 讲师,北京大学国际政治系1988-93 副教授,北京大学国际政治系1994至今 教授,北京大学国际关系学院1996至今 博士生导师1988-96 副系主任,北京大学国际政治系1996至今 系主任,北大国际关系学院国际传播系2000年11月 常务副院长,北大新闻与传播学院
国际学术交流: 1984-86 美国加州大学(伯克莱)校长交流基金,进修1989.11-1990.2 美国加州大学(伯克莱),加州大学国际交流项目,进修1991.3. 福特基金会资助,加拿大,出席国际研究年会1991.9.-1992.6 美国加州大学(圣巴巴拉),讲学,研究1993.11. 日本北陆大学,出席"基辛格讲坛"学术会议1998.2.-3 日本成蹊大学,讲学、研究1998.9.-12. 美国加州曼隆大学,讲学、研究1999.10 日本静冈县立大学、日本大学,讲学、研究2000.7-8 美国加州曼隆大学、加州大学(伯克莱)、斯坦福大学,访问、研究2000.11. 美国西雅图,全国传播学年会
研究领域: 1.传播学2.国际关系与国际传播3.翻译与传播4.说服学与宣传战略5.国际文化交流
主要著作: 1.1994年《说服学--攻心的学问》,人民出版社2.1998年 《面向21世纪的传播与文化》,(英文)COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE: CHINA AND THE WORLD ENTERING THE 21 CENTURY,荷兰罗多比出版社RODOPI EDITIONS, Amsterdam.,主编(另一主编:美国,雷·海西)3.2001年 《政治哲学》,牛津大学出版社(香港)
主要论文: 1.1989年 "儒家文化传统与毛泽东时代的中国(英文)",美国《社会科学学报》,1989年第四期,约一万五千字。The Legacy of Confucian Culture in Maoist China. THE SOCIAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, Vol. 4. Connecticut, Western Social Science Association.2.1993年 "现代公关∶'设计形象'(论文)",《学习》杂志1993年第九期,人民出版社3.1993年 "谁主宰美国的新闻传播",《北京大学学报》,第五期,一万一千字。4.1994年 "说服学的起源和发展趋向--从亚里士多德三手段谈起",《北京大学学报》,第三期5.1994年 "说与藏--说服的艺术",《东方文化》,第四期6.1997年 "宣传的幻术:美国政治传播中媒介手段的运用",《国际社会与文化》,北京大学出版社。7.1998年 "信息时代的国际传播",《国际政治研究》1998年第2期
近两年参加学术会议及发表讲演: 1.1999年5月,北京,中外学者五四讨论会,作美国加州大学叶文心教授的论文评议发言。2.1999年10月,日本大学,讲演题"从'沉默权'问题看中国法制和公民权利意识的变化",收入《日本大学讲演集》。3.1999年10月,日本静冈县立大学,中日学者比较文化研讨会,发表学术报告"关于文化差异研究"。4.1999年11月,上海,全国第六届传播学会议,发表论文"信息主权之我见"。5.2000年1月,北京,国务院新闻办举办"美国传媒研讨会",提交内部报告"从国家形象看我国对外宣传战略"。6.2000年2月,昆明,美国富布赖特专家研讨会,发表报告"从跨文化角度看外国专家在中国的教学"(英文)。
主要译著: 1989年 "美国通俗文化研究",(译)托马斯·英奇著,《美国研究》,1989,vol.31989年 主编《英美十大名探探案系列》译丛,选译世界公认的侦探小说经典之作,已由译林出版社出版《马耳他猎鹰》等六部1990年 《美国热门话题》,(译)安·兰德斯原著,黄山出版社1991年1991年 "纳波科夫论福楼拜"(论文),《文学讲稿》,(译)申慧辉编,三联书店出版社1992年 《当代比较政治》,(译)G·阿尔蒙德、G·鲍威尔等原著(G. Almond, G. Powell) 台湾:《风云论坛出版社》 1995年《祈祷安息》,(译)时代出版社(台湾)1997年 《政治学》,(译)米诺格著,牛津大学出版社
通信地址: (100871)北京,海淀,北京大学,新闻与传播学院 电子邮件:wxgong@pku.edu.cn |
Qingguang Guo (Chinese)
Renmin University of China |
Professor in the News College, and was the Dean of the News and Journalism College. |
email: gqgu@vip.sina.com |
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Professor Guo graduated from Renmin University of China in 1982. Then he attended the News Research Institute of Tokyo University, Japan, where he received his master's degree in 1987, and finished his Ph.D. training in 1992. After returning to China he joined the faculty of Renmin University, where he became Lecturer, Associate Professor, and Professor. In 1997 he became Vice Dean, and in 1999 Dean of the News College
He has taught a variety of courses, and published many books and papers, and now holds numerous academic positions. |
郭庆光 (English)
中国人民大学 |
1956年出生于祖籍山东省。1982年毕业于中国人民大学新闻系,1983年国家公派赴日本东京大学新闻研究所留学, 1987年获社会学(B新闻学)硕士学位;1992年博士学位课程毕业后回国任教,历任讲师、副教授、教授、博士生导师。1997年任新闻学院副院长,1999年任院长。目前兼任中国记协第六届理事会常务理事、全国考委新闻类专业委员会主任、国务院学位办新闻传播学科评议组成员、教育部新闻学科教学指导委员会副主任、中国新闻教育学会副会长、北京市社哲学社会科学十五规划综合学科组成员、《北京社会科学年鉴》新闻传播学科综述常任撰稿人、中国人民大学学位委员会委员和学术委员会委员、中国人民大学新闻与社会发展研究中心学术委员、复旦大学信息与传播研究中心学术委员会委员、武汉大学媒体发展研究中心学术委员等职务。主要研究领域有传播学基础理论、传播制度比较、传播法与传播伦理、媒介启蒙教育、新闻传播教育; 讲授《传播学概论》、《传播学理论研究》、《大众传播效果研究》、《日文报刊阅读与翻译》等课程 |
email: gqgu@vip.sina.com |
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一、 著作教材等 *《传播学概论》(全国成人自考教材第章),武汉大学出版社2000年出版*《同等学历人员申请硕士学位新闻传播学学科综合水平全国统一考试大纲及指南》,传播理论部分,高等教育出版社1999年12月出版*《传播学教程》(九五国家级重点教材),中国人民大学出版社1999年11月出版*《心理学实验与测验之基础》(译著),台湾五南图书出版有限公司1997年出版*《大众传播效果研究大纲》,中国人民大学研究生院 1995年印行*《联邦德国的大众传播媒介》(合译),德国驻中国大使馆印行*《回归原点》(译著),台湾锦绣出版事业有限公司1994年出版 *《战后日本人之中国观的实证分析》(单行本),(日)富士ZEROX1990年9月发行 *《NHK世界广播数据双年鉴92’》中国大陆港台章(日文),NHK放送文化研究所1992年出版
二、论文等 *《一位新闻人的职业精神和专业追求》,《国际新闻界》2003年 期* 《媒介经营管理M-MBA丛书》序,湖南人民出版社2003年2月* 新闻传播学学科综述,<2002北京社会科学年鉴>,北京出版社2002年11月* 新世纪的新闻传播普及教育 ,《新闻与写作》2002年第3期* 新闻传播学学科综述,<2001北京社会科学年鉴>,北京出版社2001年11月* 21世纪:新闻普及教育的时代,<少年新闻传播普及教育系列丛书>序,科学普及出版社2000年10月出版* 传播学的研究对象与基本问题(上),《国际新闻界》* 传播学的研究对象与基本问题(下),《国际新闻界》* 近代日本的传播法制和新闻事业的法西斯化过程,《新闻传播学术报告论文集》,中国人民大学出版社1997年1月* 90年代中后期新传播技术的发展趋势及其影响,《国际新闻界》1997年1期* 21世纪美国广播电视事业新构图--1996年电信法的意义与问题,《国际新闻界》1996年6期* 中国舆论调查与舆论研究的现状与课题(日文),《世界舆论调查学会东京会议论文集》日本与论调查协会1996年11月印行* 邵锦事件与日本的电视传媒,《国际新闻界》1996年2期* 《世界文化与发展委员会报告》有关大众传媒问题的分析及我国的态度与立场, 1996年8月在中国联合国教科文组织全国委员会96年8月举行的研讨会上作书面发言* 高校新闻学与传播学学科"九五"研究课题指南(国外部分), 1995年11月呈报国家教委* 大众传播、信息环境与社会控制---从"沉默的螺旋"假说谈起,《新闻与传播1995年2-3期合刊* 电视媒介与政治报道,《国际新闻界》1995年1期* 丘儿终于离开了村庄——日本电视新闻节目制作的 "押拉塞"问题,《国际新闻界》 1993年期* 舆论调查中所见的日本人之中国观 (日文),日本新闻协会《新闻研究》1991年第4期* 中国的舆论调查与舆论研究 (日文),《日本舆论调查协会报》1989年第3期* 对媒介娱乐体验的探索(日文),《海外大众传播研究动向87'-88'》,NHK放送文化研究所1988年出版发行* 电视媒介的利社会功能 (日文),《海外大众传播研究动向87'-88'》 NHK放送文化研究所1988年出版发行* 大众传播学研究的一支新军---欧洲批判学派评介,《新闻学论集》第11辑,中国人民大学出版社1987年4月* 欧美传播学的统合趋势(日文),《海外大众传播研究动向86'》,NHK放送文化研究所 1987年出版发行* 欧美传播学研究的对立与分歧(日文),《海外大众传播研究动向86'》, NHK放送文化研究所1987出版发行
获奖情况 * 2003年度获北京市优秀新闻工作者称号*《传播学教程》(九五国家级重点教材),2000年获北京市第六结哲学社会科学优秀成果二等奖* 传播学的研究对象与基本问题(论文),2000年获第七届中国人民大学优秀科研成果奖* 大众传播、信息环境与社会控制(论文),1995年获第四次全国传播学研讨会三等奖,1996年获中国人民大学优秀科研成果论文奖 |
D. Ray Heisey |
Kent State University |
Professor and Director Emeritus, School of Communication Studies |
email: rheisey@kent.edu |
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Dr. Heisey was selected as a Coolidge Fellow in 1993 to do research at Cambridge, elected as a Fellow in the International Academy for Intercultural Research in 1997, received the President's Medal in 1997 from the Kent State University Board of Trustees for his accomplishments in teaching, administration, research, and international exchange programs. He conducted or arranged student exchange programs between Kent State and institutions in England, Sweden, Poland. In 1992 he initiated a faculty exchange program between Kent State and the Guangming Daily newspaper in Beijing which continues to this day, in 1994 he initiated a faculty exchange program between his School of Communication Studies at Kent State and the Department of International Politics at Renmin University in Beijing, and in 1996 initiated a faculty exchange program with the Department of International and Intercultural Communication at Peking University. He directed 18 doctoral dissertations.
He has presented his research in intercultural communication and particiated in international conferences in Montreal, Ottawa, Vancouver, Acapulco, Seoul, Tokyo, Harbin, Beijing, Haikou, Taipei, Tehran, Amsterdam, Lund, and regularly at conferences in the United States. His research interests are rhetorical analysis of the cultural arguments and values in the political communication of international leaders, including Brezhnev, Sobchak, Begin, Arafat, Saddam Hussein, the Ayatollah Khomeini, the Shah of Iran, Mitterrand, Thatcher, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Mao Zedong, Jiang Zemin, Zhu Rongji, Hu Jintao, Olaf Palme, de Klerk, and the rhetoric of revolutionary movements and cultural conflicts in Europe and the Middle East. His work currently is focused on the rhetoric of Chinese political leaders.
He has published in Communication Monographs, Quarterly Journal of Speech, World Communication, Journal of Communication and Religion, Southern Journal of Communication, Western Speech Communication, Intercultural Communication Studies, Journalism and Communication (in Chinese), Human Communication, Politica, and chapters in numerous books, including NCA's Annual of International and Intercultural Communication. He has co-edited with Wenxiang Gong, Communication and Culture: China and the World Entering the 21st Century (1998), and served as editor of Ablex Publishing Corporation's series called, Advances in Communication and Culture, which published five books. The first in the series was his edited volume entitled, Chinese Perspectives in Rhetoric and Communication (2000). Two others he co-edited with lead editors Wenshan Jia and Xing Lu were Chinese Communication Theory and Research: Reflections, New Frontiers, and New Directions (2002) and Chinese Communication Studies: Contexts and Comparisons (2002), He also served on the editorial board of Communication Theory (ICA) and Journal of Communication and Religion (RCA) and has reviewed articles for International Journal of Intercultural Relations (IAIR). He served as chair of NCA's Division of International and Intercultural Communication (2001-2002) and president of the International Association of Intercultural Communication Studies (2001-2003). |
Zhengrong Hu (Chinese)
Communication University of China, Beijing |
Professor in Communication. Director of the National Center for Radio & TV Studies and the Executive Dean of the Graduate School in the University |
email: huzhr@hotmail.com |
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Professor Hu’s research areas are media policy and institutional transition, media development strategy, media management, and political economy of communication. He has chaired and accomplished research projects in China from the National Social Sciences Foundation, the National Commission of Reform and Development, the Ministry of Education, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT), and Beijing Municipal Government. He has published papers on Chinese media in transition for numerous leading Chinese journals including the Chinese Broadcasting Academic Journal and Modern Communication. He is the author of several influential books as Media Reality and Beyond (2004) and Media Management Renovation (2000), etc.
Dr.Hu is member of the Expert Committee of Courses Development and Disciplines Establishment, Ministry of Education; member of the Evaluation Committee, China Studying Abroad Foundation Council; member of the Expert Committee of Post-doctor Program Evaluation, Ministry of Labor and Human Resources; member of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Journalists Association; member of the editorial committee of MEDIA ASIA magazine, Singapore; member of the Advisory Committee of the Asia Media, Information and Communication Center (AMIC); vice-Chair of the Communication Association of China.
Dr. Hu has been a visiting scholar at University of Durham, Britain (2001), Simon Fraser University, Canada (2002-2003), Jonkoping International Business School, Sweden (2005), and a research fellow at Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy, Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University (2005).
Professor Hu can be reached via email at huzhr@hotmail.com
For more details please visit his Chinese introduction. |
胡正荣 (English)
北京广播学院广播电视研究中心 |
教授.1998年,任北京广播学院教务处处长、教授。2000年,任北京广播学院中国广播电视研究中心主任、博士生导师。 |
email: huzhr@hotmail.com |
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代表性文章: ◆ 看!人类历史上首次电视直播的战争◆ 竞争·整合·发展 —— 当代美国广播电视业考察(下)◆ 竞争·整合·发展 —— 当代美国广播电视业考察(上)◆ The Market-oriented Transition of Production and Consumption of TV Industry in China's Mainland◆ 我国媒介管理运行体系研究---以广播电视为例
联系地址: 北京朝阳区定福庄东街1号电子邮件:huzhr@public.bta.net.cn |
Yu Huang |
Hong Kong Baptist University |
Professor in Journalism. Director of Centre for Media and Communication Research |
email: s03033@hkbu.edu.hk |
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Prof. Huang received his professional journalism training in Beijing. From 1988 to 1994, he was in the Unite Kingdom to pursue his Ph.D. degree, and worked as a journalist. Professor Huang received the degree from the University of Westminster, United Kingdom in 1993. Since 1994, he has been on the teaching staff of the Journalism Department, Hong Kong Baptist University.
His current research interests include: mass media in Hong Kong and mainland China, media representation/construction, social relations and media changes, political economy of media/communication studies, news/media and social development, media and Chinese nationalism, Chinese language in HK media, media and social transformation in Chinese societies, and journalism performance.
His recent publications include articles in the journals American Review of China Studies, Intercultural Communication Studies, The China Review, World Englishes, Modern Communication, Media Development, Journal of China Report. He has also contributed a number of chapters in different books. |
Guo Ke |
Shanghai International Studies University |
professor of journalism of the College of International Journalism & Communication, director of the Center of Global Public Opinions of China at Shanghai International Studies University (SISU). |
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Dr. GUO Ke is professor of journalism of the College of International Journalism & Communication, director of the Center of Global Public Opinions of China at Shanghai International Studies University (SISU). He holds a BA degree in English Linguistics and Literature from Zhejiang University and a BA degree in International Journalism from SISU, a MS degree in Journalism from Kansas State University, USA (under the 1995-1996 Fulbright Grant), and a Ph.D. degree in Mass Communication from Fudan University, China. Dr. GUO is also one of the founding members of SISU’s international journalism program both at the undergraduate and graduate levels, which is known as a pioneer of bilingual journalism education in China. He is also a member of the China Association of Broadcasting Journalism Education, the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), USA, and a member of the Journalism Education Supervisory & Consultative Committee of the Ministry of Education of China. Dr. GUO is now actively promoting journalism education accreditation among Chinese journalism education programs. In the past 20 years, Dr. GUO’s major research focus has included international communication, global media (particularly the English-language media in a non-English environment), global public opinions, media effect and evaluation as well as international journalism education models and accreditation. He has published two academic books on international communication and media effect and evaluation, and more than 30 academic papers, in both Chinese and English. He has also organized three international conferences on media, communication and journalism education and has been involved in several national and international research projects on global media, English-language media in China and international journalism education. |
Randolph Kluver |
Nanyang Technological University |
Director (as of June 2006) of the Institute for Pacific Asia at Texas A&M University. Previously Executive Director of the Singapore Internet Research Centre, and an Associate Professor in the School of Communication and Information at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. |
email: randykluver@yahoo.com.sg |
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Dr. Kluver’s current research interests include the role of the Internet in Asian societies, Asian political communication, globalization, and the political impact of information technologies. Dr. Kluver received his PhD from the University of Southern California and has been on the faculty at universities in China, the US, and Singapore. He has edited or co-edited a number of books on Chinese communication, politics in China, new media technologies, and civic discourse. His co-edited book, Civic Discourse, Civil Society, and Chinese Communities, received the Outstanding Book Award from the International and Intercultural Division of the National Communication Association in 1999. His article, The Logic of New Media in International Relations, received the 2003 Walter Benjamin Award for outstanding article in Media Ecology. Dr. Kluver is a cofounder and moderator of the Chinese Internet Research Listserve. |
Hairong Li |
Michigan State University |
Associate Professor in the Department of Advertising, Public Relations, and Retailing; Research Fellow in the MIND Lab and the Quello Center, College of Communication Arts and Sciences. |
email: hairong@msu.edu |
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Dr. Li's research interest is in social impacts of information technology, with emphasis on interactive media. His studies have investigated several aspects of the Internet as a communication medium, including the impact of ISP interruption on users, online shopping behavior, effectiveness of web banner ads, targeting in interactive advertising, methodological issues of Internet research, measuring Internet access, and impact of sponsorship on perceived credibility of health information Web sites. More recently, his research focuses on virtual experience in e-commerce. His publications have appeared in Journal of Advertising, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, Journal of E-Government, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, Journal of Direct Marketing, Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, Asian Journal of Communication, and International Journal of Public Opinion Research among others. He has been interviewed and quoted on e-commerce issues in a number of news media including The New York Times and The Washington Post.
Dr. Li is a member of the editorial board of International Advertising, a leading trading publication in China, and a member of the American Marketing Association (AMA), American Academy of Advertising (AAA), and the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC). He was Chair of the Publications Committee of the AAA. |
Jie Li (Pen name Siqu Li) |
Zhejiang University |
Professor in the Department of Journalism and Communications. Vice Chairman of the Communications Research Institute, and Chairman of Digital Entertainment Industry Research Center |
email: Lijie1959@yahoo.com.cn |
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Professor Li received his Ph.D. from Sichuan University (Comparative Poetics); M.A. from Sichuan University (Literature and art); B.A. from Chengdu University (Chinese Literature).
Before joining the Department of Journalism and Communications, Zhejiang University, Professor Li was Professor of Advertising, Dean of the Advertising Department, and the Chairman of the Advertising Research Institute in Sichuan University. His major interests are in the fields of advertising, media culture and cultural industry. Professor Li’s publications include four books and more than 40 articles that have appeared in many authoritative academic periodicals in China.
Professor Li, from the start of the project, participated in compiling a grand reference book called Journalism and Communications Encyclopedia, which has been published by Sichuan People's Press in 1998. |
Yan Li (Chinese)
Zhejiang University |
Professor and Vice Director of the Journalism and Communication Department; Vice director of the Institute of Communications Research; Vice president of Zhejiang Provincial Communication Society; Managing director of the Zhejiang Provincial Broadcasting and Television Society, Vice Chief Editor of the journal China Media Report. |
email: liyan414188@yahoo.com.cn |
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Professor Li's major interests are in the fields of communication critical theory, communication and culture, broadcasting and television.
Responsible for the national social science fund project "media critics", Professor Li published the book Criticism of Media ---Stand, Category, Proposition, Form, published by the Zhejiang University Press in June, 2005. This research uses contemporary critical theory to analyze the mass media, interprets contemporary critical theory in terms of Chinese culture, provides Chinese scholars' views and questions in this process, and provides critical explanations of questions emerging from China. Such research intends to broaden communication and media viewpoints, to escape from the limitations of traditional effect—application research, to increase the level of cultural analyses, and to cultivate a research thinking style, new knowledge and language. Adhering to criticism research means also to retain a scholar's academic individualism and the purity and value of the academy.
The important project that Professor Li is conducting now is a Zhejiang Provincial social science research concerned with "enhancing the function of media judging organization and the feasibility of founding a media scientific judgment system." Another research at the same time deals with the relationship between communication and media.
Professor Li has also published the books Journalism of Broadcasting and Television, one of the textbook series for 21st Century, Higher Education Press, June 2005, and Introduction to Broadcasting, second edition, Zhejiang University Press, 2005, plus numerous articles in academic journals.
Professor Li has a wide range of interests, including photography, modern drama, Song poems, and novels. |
李岩 (English)
浙江大学 |
女,浙江大学人文学院新闻与传播学系教授,新闻与传播学系副系主任,传播研究所副所长,浙江省传播学会副会长。浙江广播电视学会常务理事。《中国传媒报告》副主编(常务)。主要学术研究方向:传播批评理论、传播与文化、广播电视学。 |
email: liyan414188@yahoo.com.cn |
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承担浙江省社会科学重点研究项目——"加强政府组织下的媒介评议机构的职能与建立媒介科学评议体系的可行性研究" 。仍在进行的另一项研究是传播与文化的关系。
其他方面已经出版的著作有《广播电视新闻学》,2002年高等教育出版社(国家教委面向21世纪教材系列);《广播学导论》(第二版)浙江大学出版社2005年版。主要论文:《大众传播过程的异化现象》,"新华文摘"全文转载(98·1);《符号学视野中的广播电视新闻》,"中国广播电视学刊"(96·10);《电视现场新闻的事件建构》"浙江大学学报"(2000·4期);《从广告创意看大陆香港两地文化差异》"浙江大学学报"(2003·2);《全球化过程中文化身份的抵抗与认同》"浙江大学学报"(2004·4)、《视觉传播中的技术理性批判》,"新闻与传播研究"(2004年·4);《当代传播实践的道德论理问题》(2001年)、《大陆、香港两地新闻图像符号的差异》(2002年)、《揭开电视图像的神秘面纱》(2003年)《意识形态下的大众传播话语秩序》(2004年)、《符号学VS新闻学》(2004年) "中国传媒报告"等。曾获得甘肃省社会科学最高奖二等奖。甘肃省教委社会科学奖二等奖(95年)。浙江省社会科学奖优秀奖(02年)。浙江省"事业家庭兼顾型"先进个人(05年)等。
业余爱好摄影、话剧、郊游、烹饪与阅读宋词、小说等。 |
Kang Liu |
Duke University |
Professor of Chinese Cultural and Media Studies. Director of Program in Chinese Media and Communication Studies |
email: liukang@duke.edu |
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Professor Liu received B.A. in English from Nanjing University in 1982. In 1983, He came to the United States on a Fulbright scholarship and received Ph.D. in comparative literature from University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1989. He is Liberal Arts Professor at Nanjing University since 2003, and taught as visiting professors at numerous Chinese universities. He is the author of seven books, including Aesthetics and Marxism, Globalization and Cultural Trend in China, and Demonizing China, a bestselling 1996 book in Chinese, which analyzes the American media's coverage of China. In addition, Liu Kang published widely in both English and Chinese on issues ranging from aesthetics, intellectual history, literature, to media and cultural studies. In 2004, Liu Kang founded the Duke Program in Chinese Media and Communication Studies, the first academic program in the U.S. dedicated to the study of Chinese media. The Program has sponsored activities including the first International Conference on Globalization and Chinese Television at Duke University, 2005, and the 2005 Duke University Training Workshop on Media and Public Policy for senior, high-ranking Chinese government officials and spokespersons, in collaboration with China's State Council Information Office. |
Yoshitaka Miike |
University of Hawai'i at Hilo |
Associate Professor of Asian Communication in the Department of Communication, 3rd Vice President of the Pacific and Asian Communication Association (2006-2008) |
email: ymiike@hawaii.edu |
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Dr. Miike obtained one of the first M.A.s in Communication Studies from Dokkyo University (Japan) and earned his Ph.D. in Intercultural Communication from the University of New Mexico (USA). Inspired by Dr. Molefi Kete Asante's Afrocentric idea, he has proposed and developed the metatheory of Asiacentricity as an alternative paradigm for the study of Asian cultures and communication. He is the recipient of a 2004 Distinguished Scholarship Award from the International and Intercultural Communication Division of the National Communication Association for the 2003 Outstanding Article of the Year. Dr. Miike co-edited The Global Intercultural Communication Reader (Routledge, 2008) and guest-edited journal special issues on "New Frontiers in Asian Communication Theory" (Journal of Multicultural Discourses, 2009), "Asian Contributions to Communication Theory" (China Media Research, 2007), and "Asian Approaches to Human Communication" (Intercultural Communication Studies, 2003). His articles and book chapters appeared in Asiacentric Theories of Communication (Zhejiang University Press), China Media Research, Communication Monographs, Essays in Honor of an Intellectual Warrior, Molefi Kete Asante (Editions Menaibuc), Ferment in the Intercultural Field: Axiology/Value/Praxis (Sage), Human Communication: A Journal of the Pacific and Asian Communication Association, Howard Journal of Communications, Intercultural Communication Studies, Intercultural Communication: A Reader (12th ed., Wadsworth Cengage Learning), Intercultural Communication Encounters (Allyn & Bacon), Keio Communication Review, Review of Communication, Selected International Papers in Intercultural Communication (Zhejiang University Press), The Encyclopedia of Identity (Sage), and Theories and Principles of Chinese Communication (Wunan). He serves as a consulting editor of Intercultural Communication Studies and has reviewed numerous manuscripts for national and international journals including Asian Journal of Communication, Communication Yearbook, Howard Journal of Communications, International and Intercultural Communication Annual, Journal of Multicultural Discourses, Kyushu Communication Studies, and Multicultural Relations. |
Bella Mody |
University of Colorado |
Professor and holds the James E. deCastro Chair in Global Media Studies in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication |
email: Bella.Mody@Colorado.edu |
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Professor Bella Mody specializes in the political economy of media in developing countries and in design research on public service applications of communication media. Her books include International and Development Communication: a 21st Century Perspective, The Handbook of International and Intercultural Communication, Telecommunication Politics and Designing Messages for Development Communication. Her research articles have been published in Communication Theory, The Journal of International Communication, The Information Society, The Journal of Communication, Telecommunication Policy, Media Development, Telematics and Informatics, Gazette, International Development Review, Educational Broadcasting International, Communication Research, Journal of Research in Personality, and the Journal of Social Psychology. Mody coordinated the graduate program in international development communication at Stanford University as an assistant professor (1978-1983) and taught at San Francisco State University (associate professor 1983-1985). She was a professor and administrator at Michigan State University for 19 years before joining faculty at the University of Colorado. Prior to her university career, Mody was a social scientist in India's space research organization and a J. Walter Thompson advertising writer in Calcutta. She has consulted for UN agencies, national governments and nongovernmental organizations on media applications for agriculture, health and education in India, Malaysia, Singapore, Nepal, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Barbados, Ghana, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Kenya and South Africa. Her current focus is HIV-AIDS. Mody's academic degrees are from Gujarat University, the University of Pennsylvania and Ranchi University. |
Zhongdang Pan |
University of Wisconsin, Madison |
Professor of Communication Science, School of Journalism and Mass Communication |
email: zhongdangpan@wisc.edu |
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Professor Pan received his B.A. in journalism from Beijing Broadcasting Institute, Beijing, PRC, 1982; his M.A. in communication, Department of Communication, Stanford University, 1985; his Ph.D. in mass communication, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1990.
Before his present faculty appointment he spent five years teaching in Hong Kong and conducting research on media and social changes in the People's Republic of China. Right now, he is analyzing data from two of the projects he conducted while in Hong Kong. One project is a comparative study of journalists in the PRC, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, and the other is a study of leisure participation and civic activities and values among the residents in three major Chinese cities. He also continues his collaboration with scholars in the PRC to study the media reforms there. He recently completed surveys of journalists in two Chinese cities and is analyzing the data. His research interests have been on media effects in the process broadly referred to as public deliberation. That means he pays attention to various aspects of civic culture and public discourse, which may get manifested differently in different societies. Therefore, his research in China and in the U.S. deals with different issues. In addition to continuing his research on China, he is also working on projects concerning civic participation, framing, and perceptions of media effects.
Professor Pan has written a number of books, has contributed sections of numerous other books, and has many papers published in prominent journals.
He won the Vilas Associate Award in 2002. |
William J. Starosta |
Howard University |
Professor of Communication and Culture |
email: wjs@jstar.tv |
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Dr. Starosta took his doctorate in Intercultural Communication in 1973 from Indiana University, with a minor in Asian Studies. He took a Fulbright-Hays Fellowship to do dissertation work in Sri Lanka, and a Senior Fellowship from the American Institute for Indian Studies to study social change campaigns in North India. He received an undergraduate scholarship to attend Delhi University. His work includes co-authored articles and editions with scholars from the PRC and from Taiwan on Asiacentric communication, on the Chinese use of the Internet as intercultural communication, on intercultural communication competence, on globalization, and on conflict management, among others. Starosta also founded The Howard Journal of Communications. He now heads the intercultural communication sequence at Howard University in Washington, D.C |
Xiaoqing Tang |
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences |
Associate Dean of the Institute of Ethnic Literature Research. Associate Editor and Director of the Editorial Board of the journal Studies of Ethnic Literature. |
email: tangxiaoqing@263.net |
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Xiaoqing Tang received her Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees from the Chinese Department of Beijing Normal University in 1982 and 1985
She has been working for the journal Studies of Ethnic Literature for many years. The journal gives special attention to communication between the various Chinese ethnic groups. In addition to her focus on the journal, she is in charge of website developments and the establishment of a data pool of ethnic culture in China for the Institute of Ethnic Literature Research, in the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. In the course of her research she has traveled extensively to Chinese minority areas.
Director Tang specializes in classical Chinese ethnic literature, and is an expert on the interrelationships and communication between the varieties of Chinese ethnic groups. She has published numerous academic papers, such as "Concepts of Natural Beauty During Wei-Jin Northern and Southern Dynasties," "Analysis of Classical Yi Ethnic Literary Theory," "On Hui-ethnic Scholar Li Zhi During Yuan Dynasty's Variable Ethnic Cultures Background," and "Research on the Variety of Chinese Ethnic Literary Relationships from a Comparative Point of View." |
Fei Wu (Chinese)
Zhejiang University |
Professor, Chair of Department of Journalism and Communication. Director of Research Institute of Journalistic and Social Development. Editor-in-Chief of Small Commodities Newspaper |
email: linkwf@yahoo.com.cn |
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Professor Wu Fei has his M.A. in Journalistic Theory from Hangzhou University, and his Ph.D. in Communication from Fudan University.
He was a Post-Doctoral Researcher in Sociology in the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He also has numerous academic positions
His principal research interests are communication law, news communication, and social development.
He has published several books, and has contributed chapters for other books. Also he has published numerous papers in various leading academic journals.
He has received several different awards. |
吴飞 (English)
浙江大学 |
浙江大学新闻与传播学院教授,中国社会科学院社会学所博士后。浙江大学新闻与传播学系主任、新闻传媒与社会发展研究所所长。中国教育学分新闻学分会常务理事\浙江省新闻工作者协会常务理事\《新闻实践》杂志编委 |
email: linkwf@yahoo.com.cn |
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联系地址:浙江大学新闻与传播学系(浙江大学西溪校区,310028) |
Xinxun Wu |
Shanghai University in China |
Professor of Journalism and Communication, doctor of economics, and doctoral supervisor. |
email: xinxunw@yahoo.com.cn. |
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The Director of the Research Center for Media Economy at Shanghai University, the Director of the Department of Journalism and Communication, the sub decanal of the Academy of Media, the commissioner of the Academic Committee, the teaching and instructing commissioner for Journalism in the Ministry of Education, the researcher of the Research Center for News and Social Development at Renmin University of China, and one of the Top Ten Theory Operators in Broadcast and Television for the whole country.
Professor Wu graduated from the Chinese Language Department of Sichuan University, and then he worked as a teacher in the Journalism Department. The government twice sent him to Japan as a visiting researcher, once to Tokyo University and once to Sophia University. Professor Wu was also the predecessor sub decanal of the Literature and Journalism College, and the manager of the Broadcast and Television Research Institute. Invited by the Sichuan Broadcast and Television Office, he participated in originating the Sichuan Cable Broadcasting and Television Station and took the position of the station manager's assistant. Professor Wu once was retained as senior visiting scholar by Tsinghua University. In 1999, he was retained by Shantou University to establish the Journalism and Communication College, and held the post of the Director of the Journalism and Modern Education Technology Center, the Director of the News and Information Broadcast Department, the Manager of the Broadcast and Television Research Institute, as well as the Minister of the Propaganda Department of the University. In 2002 he joined the faculty of Shanghai University.
Professor Wu has won national and provincial outstanding scientific research prizes and outstanding teaching prizes. He has written more than ten works, such as Modern Media UEconomics, The Research on China Media Economy 1949-2004, Practical Television and Communication, The New Tide of the World Public Communication, The Theory of Chinese Cable Television Management, Journalism and Communication on Cities, The Encyclopedia of Journalism And Communication (one of the chief editors), The Thesaurus of Movie and Television. Also his publications include dozens of theses, as well as lots of television and press news, news topics, and literature articles. |
Ying Ye (Fred Y. Ye) |
Zhejiang University |
Professor in the Department of Information Resources Management, College of Humanities. |
email: yye@zju.edu.cn |
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Professor Ye received his Ph.D.from Zhongshan (Sun Yatsen) University (Chinese philosophy); M.A.from East China Normal University (Library and information science); B.S. from Nanjing (Nanking) University (Chemistry).
Dr. Ye's research interest covers the theory of library and information science, information retrieval, intelligent information processing, information communication and intercultural philosophy. He has proposed new ideas of analytical informatics, analytical library science and triad philosophy. His publications include 5 books and about 60 articles that have appeared in Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, The Journal of Library Science in China, Journal of Academic Libraries (China), Journal of East Asian Libraries (US), Lifelong Education and Libraries (Japan), Journal of Zhejiang University (Science), and so on.
During Sept. 2000 to Sept. 2001, Dr. Ye was a Fulbright research scholar in the University of Arizona and the University of Michigan.
Dr. Ye is now the Dean of the Department of Information Resources Management in Zhejiang University, a council member of the China Society of Library Science, and a member of the Editorial Committee of the Journal of Academic Libraries. |
GUOMING Yu (Chinese)
Renmin University of China |
Professor, Chairman of Public Opinion Research Institute, Vice Director of Department of Journalism |
email: yuguoming@vip.sina.com |
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Professor Yu received his B.A. degree, M.A. degree, and Ph.D. degree, all from the Department of Journalism, Renmin University of China.
Professor Yu has been working in Renmin University of China since he got his Ph.D degree in 1989. His major interests are in the fields of journalism and communications theory, media economy and communication research methods. Professor Yu's publications include 11 books and more than 300 articles and research papers that have appeared in many authoritative periodicals.
Professor Yu gets many social jobs. He is the Vice President of the Chinese Association of Communication, a council member of the Chinese Teenagers Research Institute, a visiting researcher or Part-time Professor of Tsinghua University, Beijing Normal University, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai University, Communication University of China, Huazhong University of Science and technology, Wuhan University, Zhengzhou University, Tianjin Normal University, and is a member of the Appraisal Group of Experts on Journalism and Communications, Foundation of Studying Abroad supported by the Ministry of Education. He is the consultant of more than 10 important media organizations in China, the independent trustee of Hunan Television and Broadcasting Joint-stock Limited Company. |
喻国明 (English)
中国人民大学 |
教授, 中国人民大学舆论研究所所长, 中国人民大学新闻学院. |
email: yuguoming@vip.sina.com |
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电子邮件:yugm@public.bta.net.cn |
Dexing Zhang (Chinese)
Fudan University |
Professor and Vice Chairman in the Chinese Literature and Language Department. Director of the Academy of Chinese and Foreign Artistic Theory. Secretary General of the Shanghai Esthetics Academy |
email: zhdexing@online.sh.cn |
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Professor Zhang has his Ph.D. form the Department of Chinese Literature and Language, Fudan University.
He has been engaged in the study of artistic theory and esthetics teaching and research for a long time. He has attainments especially in aspects of the history of western esthetics theory. His main published works include: Finding the Secret of Esthetics, History of Modern Western Esthetics, and he is the co-author of more than ten books, including Mainstream of 20th Century Western Esthetics, General History of Western Esthetics (volume 567), and Contemporary Western Theory of Literature and Art. Also he has published more than forty papers, including “Does Literary Essence Reflect Life?” “On Schiller’s Esthetics,” and so on. He has received awards for a number of his works. |
张德兴 (English)
复旦大学 |
复旦大学中文系教授,文学博士。现任中国中外文艺理论学会理事,上海市美学学会秘书长. |
email: zhdexing@online.sh.cn |
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复旦大学中文系教授,文学博士。现任中国中外文艺理论学会理事,上海市美学学会秘书长。长期从事文艺理论和美学教学和研究,尤其在西方美学史研究方面颇具造诣。主要著作有:《美学探秘》、《现代西方美学史》(合著)、《二十世纪西方美学主流》(合著)、《西方美学通史》(第五六七卷,合著)、《当代西方文艺理论》(合著)等十余种,并发表《文艺的本质是反映生活吗?》、《关于席勒论美》等四十余篇学术论文。其中的一些著作曾获得中国普通高等学校人文社会科学研究优秀成果奖著作二等奖,上海市人文社会科学研究优秀成果奖著作一等奖等多项奖项。 |
Guo-liang Zhang (Chinese)
Fudan University |
Professor and President of Chinese Communication Association, Co-Editor of Asian Journal of Communication |
email: glzhang5414@263.net |
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Professor Zhang received both his bachelor's degree, in 1976, from the Journalism Department, and his Ph.D., in 1991, from the History Department of Fudan University. He has twice been a Visiting Scholar in Advanced Study Programs in Japan, once in Tokyo University (1981-1982) and once in Waseda University (1988-1989). He was also Visiting Professor in the Chinese University, Hong Kong (2004-2005). He was honored as Excellent Scholar of the Cross Century by the National Education Department of China.
Since 1996 he has been Professor in the Journalism School of Fudan University, Shanghai. He is Director of the Center for Information and Communication Studies (CICS) of Fudan University. Concurrently (since 2002) he is the President of the Chinese Association of Communication (CAC). From 1998-2003 he was Vice Dean of the School. He also holds several other important academic positions.
He has published more than 20 books, and more than 60 papers. Representative works are Contemporary Mass Communication, News Media and Society, and The history of Mass Communication in Japan.
He has been or is in charge of some twenty research projects including Chinese Audience and Communication Effects |
张国良 (English)
复旦大学 |
教授/博士生导师, 复旦大学新闻学院副院长, 复旦大学 |
email: glzhang5414@263.net |
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著作: 《新闻媒介与社会》(主编)上海人民出版社2001 《图象媒介与社会心理》(合著)日本北树出版社1999 《广告精要Ⅱ》(译著)复旦大学出版社1999 《现代大众传播学》四川人民出版社1998 《怎样进行形象传播》(译著)复旦大学出版社1997 《怎样应对大众传媒》(译著)复旦大学出版社1997 《传播学原理》(主编)复旦大学出版社1995 《大众传媒与国际关系》(合著)日本成蹊大学亚太中心1994 《现代日本大众传播史》上海学林出版社1992 《大众传播社会学》(译著)复旦大学出版社1989 《丑陋的日本人》(译著)广州文化出版社1988 《日本新闻事业史》(译著)新华出版社1986
论文: 〈中国传媒“议题设置功能”分析〉《新闻记者》2001年6期〈网络时代的受众与媒介〉《新闻大学》2001年春季号 〈上海市民与媒介生态〉《新闻记者》2000年7、8、9期 〈面向21世纪的上海市民与媒介文化〉《新闻传播与社会变迁》香港中华书局1999 〈沪港大众传媒比较研究〉《新闻与传播研究》1997年2期 〈再谈日本的新闻教育〉《新闻大学》1997年4期 〈日本的大众传媒与国际化〉《国际新闻界》1996年4期 〈上海工人与新闻媒介〉《新闻大学》1994年3期 〈关注全球信息化时代的新动向〉《新闻大学》1994年1期 〈略论电话传播〉《新闻大学》1992年4期 〈新闻事业≠大众传播〉《新闻大学》1985年2期 〈也谈新闻定义〉《新闻传播》1985年3期
联系地址: 复旦大学新闻学院,邮政编码:200433 |
Xiaodi Zhao |
China Council for the Promotion of International Trade |
Director of Research Office |
email: zhaoxiaodi@ccpit.org |
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Director Zhao specializes in International Investment Studies. He has worked for CCPIT since 1987. He is very active in promoting and facilitating international communication and trade, in connection with which he has carried out important research for Chinese economic development, and has published many papers. He has been involved in the organization of many significant international economic conferences and trade promotional missions in many parts of the world
From 1978 to 1982 Director Zhao studied in the Chinese Department of Beijing Normal University, and received his bachelor’s degree. From 1984 to 1987 he studied in the MA Program of the Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and received his master’s degree. In 1998 he studied in the MBA Program at Central Connecticut State University.
He has been a visiting scholar at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. |
Shuhua Zhou |
University of Alabama |
Associate Professor in the Department of Telecommunication and Film, College of Communication & Information Sciences |
email: szhou@bama.ua.edu |
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Dr. Shuhua Zhou’s primary research area is human cognition of mediated messages. He engages in three areas of investigation involving 1) the representation, utilization, and manipulation of information, 2) the basic processes of cognition, including perception, attention and memory, and 3) individual and situational differences in cognition. Cognitive psychology theories underlying these areas are applied to study media content, form and effects. Dr.Zhou has published in the following journals: Media Psychology, Communication Research, Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, Journal of Advertising and Mass Communication & Society.
Dr. Zhou holds a Ph.D. from Indiana University. He also had several years of professional experience working at the news department at Guangdong TV Station from 1988-1993. |
| Maintenance & Technical Advisers |
Hongbao Ma |
Michigan State University |
Assistant professor in the Department of Medicine of Michigan State University |
email: hongbao@msu.edu |
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Dr. Ma specializes in medical biochemistry and molecular biology, and the scientific press. He got Ph. D. in biochemistry from Peking University and postdoctoral training from Harvard University. His articles The Nature of Life, The Nature of Time and Space, Technique of Animal Clone, Gene Transfer Technique, Stem Cell, Apoptosis, etc. have broad influences in the life sciences. Besides his biochemical researches, he has published other papers in several scientific journals such as Life Science Journal, Nature & Science, and The Journal of American Science. He has broad interests in the public media and publications. |
Qing Xia |
Michigan State University |
email: xiaqing_msu@yahoo.com |
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Mrs. Qing Xia received her bachelor's and master's degrees in English Language and Literature from Sichuan University in China. She also has an M.A. in American Studies from Michigan State University. She was a faculty member at Sichuan University before coming to study in the United States. She has a passion for education, and has been involved in and dedicated to international education, communication and exchange for almost a decade by working as a specialist at Michigan State University. She is a very skillful translator and interpreter in an array of fields. She loves reading, and tries to keep herself educated in various new fields. She believes that effective communication among people and nations is the most crucial factor in solving many problems we are facing today, individually and collectively. |